Thursday, October 5, 2023

Blog #10 - Our New Day and Age of AI

I am truly an old soul at heart. I am not the most technologically advanced person. I will always choose paper over computer. And I most definitely am fearful of the impact that artificial intelligence is already having, and is going to have, on our society in the near future. 

One thing that always fascinates me about the human race is all of the differences that are so prominent across our globe. Different hair color, heights, races, languages, religions, and experiences are what makes us uniquely us. Personally, I think that all of these differences are being directly combatted with the implementation of artificial intelligence. Rather than having the human mind formulate new and exciting concepts, we are foregoing those opportunities to robots and mindless computer systems. 

One interesting topic that was discussed In the Age of AI was the concept of surveillance capitalism. This concept is the “monetization of data captured through monitoring people’s movements and behaviors online and in the physical world.” These digital systems are capturing where we go, what we say, what we do, and what we eat. While this may be beneficial in the realm of tracking for safety purposes, this is completely ignoring the principal of individual privacy. 

As a result of AI, our privacy is being directly violated. Because of this infringement on our private lives, we are more apt to predation and more vulnerable to hacking and attacks. Though AI may help with security from a standpoint of personalized access, it also does make access easier for cybercriminals as well. With every situation and new invention, there are benefits but there are also setbacks. 

While I tend to focus on the personal safety violations that are at stake with new AI technology. There are benefits that are coming from this budding technology as well. One great thing about AI technology is that it is at our fingertips 24/7. This digitized assistance is free of human error and is often doing the jobs that human deem as repetitive and undermining. This new technology is great to bring an unbiased, always accessible, not perfect, but free of human tarnishing, technology to our fingertips at all times. 

Artificial intelligence has sprouted in the field of technology in just the past year. While it has brought on many great advancements in the workforce and society, it has also brought about many concerns for employers and citizens as well. 

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