Sunday, October 1, 2023


 July 18, 2015…I remember exactly what I was doing. Yep, that’s right…I was at the DMV failing my permit test for the first time. For five years all I had dreamed about was getting my driver's license. And yes, the first time I took the test I failed it. Preparing for that test took reading, practicing, and studying to perfect my driving abilities. I finally successfully took my driving test in a sedan and passed. This 2004 sedan was quite a piece of work to drive I will say. However, looking four years into the future at that time, I had no idea how vastly the world of automotive would look in 2023. 


    A new and budding popular invention in the 21st century is the concept of electric cars. Contrary to gas consuming cars, electric cars are merely charged for a fraction of the price that gas cars require. Though it takes roughly five minutes to fill up a tank of gas, its price can be quite high to due to the status of our economy today. However, charging an electric car can take double, triple, or even a quadruple amount of time to “fill up”, but the price to do so is significantly reduced. 

    Additionally, electric cars may cost more upfront than regular gas consuming cars. However, because they have less wear and tear than gas cars, the cost to maintain them is significantly lower. For instance, US News states that it costs about 4 cents a mile to charge a 2023 Chevrolet Bolt, totaling at around $4. However, if gas were to cost $4 a gallon. It would take a thirty-gallon car $120 to be completely filled. Comparatively, on a daily basis, the electric car is much more practical. 

    Now, how fast is this invention truly spreading? Personally, because I am from a small town in South Carolina, electric cars are seen few and far between. It is quite the rarity to see someone in my town driving one and that is partially due to the resources that are in proximity to my town as well as the socioeconomic status of my town. But now that I am near much larger cities near High Point, it is more frequent that I see electric cars on a daily basis. Elon Musk reveals how long it will take all cars to go electric Inverse states that in a mere 15 years, our automotive sales will fully transition to electric cars. So, by the year 2050, anyone in the market for a new car, will only have the ability to purchase an electric car. 

    Currently, most of the electric car purchases are on the west coast west coast. I think that this part of the United States is grouped with the pioneers and early adapters because of the geographical location in which they live. It is mostly due to the location and status of the clientele near those individuals. 


    Next, I think that the early majority will be the younger generation. When students graduate from college and are looking to buy their first car they will most likely go for a big investment that will last a lifetime. Because of their commitment to the electric cars, they will in turn convince their parents to purchase the cars as well. So the generations above me, Millennials and Generation X, will be classified with the late majority. Lastly, I think that the traditionalists of the world that refuse to adapt to changing technology in the world with continue to be the laggards. They will be tried and true gas car users. 


    Overall, I think that the positives of electric cars will outweigh the negatives in the upcoming years. On the fronts of the economy, natural resources, and the environment, electric cars seem like a very practical transition for the world to make. I think that the choice that individuals have to weigh are the costs and benefits that come with owning an electric car versus a gas fueled car. I feel that there are both pros and cons to both sides, but that it is simply up to the choice of the individual!

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