Sunday, September 10, 2023

Blog #1 - Media In My Life

 As a teenager in the twenty first century, it seems like every aspect of my life is consumed with technology. This technology has definitely made great strides in improving communication, education, and experiences for individuals my age. But has technology helped to positively improve our media consumption? Probably not. I will admit, I am just as bad about every other teenager when it comes to having my nose buried in my phone or laptop. While this may not have improved my quality of media consumption, it has improved the accessibility of media consumption. After taking some time to reflect on how much and the ways in which I consume media on a daily basis, I have come up with the five most common ways I see from day-to-day. Though these may not be the most common outlets of media, they fit in to my daily routine and personality type very well. 

Starting off, my first way of consuming media may be quite strange. I have made it a daily habit to read one chapter of a book a day. I may read early in the morning eating my breakfast or closing out my day curled up under the covers of my bed. No matter what, I am very consistent when it comes to my reading habits. Though this source of media may not be the most instantaneous, it is quite reliable. This consumption of media is different than consuming on a source of technology. It is a type of media that may be more studied, researched, and analyzed before being published. Books are also a more traditional way of consuming media. Rather than scrolling, listening, or seeing media, it is always nice to be able to consume media from a good book by just turning a page.

On the polar opposite side from consuming media through a book, another common way I consume media is through social media. In today’s day and age, it is more common to find someone who does have social media than it is to find someone who does not. Personally, I have many social media apps downloaded, but I do not consume media from each of them every day. Most consistently, I consume media through Facebook. Whether I see local news stations posting media, ads, or reposted media, my feed is constantly consumed with both positive and negative media. 

Another abstract way that I enjoy consuming media is through art and theatre. I was very involved in theatre, dance, and art in high school, so I have experienced a piece of art, or two, or three in my life. Consuming art as a form of media also is another refined way to experience media. Though it may not be the most up-to-date information, it can be recycled as history repeats itself. For instance, the prevalent issues sung in the hit musical Hamilton may not be verbatim the issues in today’s society, but the struggles that the individuals face can be seen in a new light in 2023. 

Not only do I like consuming media through live art, but I also like to consume media in a more casual way. Picture a cozy Friday night, a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and a good Netflix show on the screen. This is another perfect way that I consume media - TV shows and movies. Organizations are constantly brainstorming and producing new TV shows pertaining many different topics and issues in today’s society. Often times these shows may be mirroring issues in today’s society in a more lighthearted way. This has the capacity to relay information to society in a more relaxed way without the negative connotation that many media sources do. Either way, curling up to be informed in a lighthearted way about society, or just watch a movie for fun, sounds like a great Friday night to me!

The final way, and my least favorite way, in which I consume media is through traditional news outlets. News outlets such as CNN and NBC seem to always have very pressing issues and blunt ways of delivering media to the public. Rather than consuming media that is already bias, I prefer to research and discover the facts myself to better determine my stance on the controversial occurrences in today’s society. 

As a reflection of compiling my favorite types of media, I feel that it is only fair to provide a list of my personal favorite resources of media. Below you can find a list of my favorite books, musicals, podcasts, and shows that I feel have provided me with the most self-encouraging and beneficial media ◡̈

Book - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

TV show - The West Wing

Podcast - Becoming Something

Musical - Hamilton

Social Media Page - The Grace Valentine

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