Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog #5 - Hey GOOGLE!

 As I sit here writing this blog post, it only seems fair to write about a realm of technology has truly changed the way to do life. Let me paint a picture for you…I currently have about 6 tabs pulled up on my laptop. Of the six tabs, four of them are all affiliated with the same brand. Yep, you guessed it! GOOGLE. What an invention and revelation for the world of technology this has been!

Personally, I am a fan of all things Google. I absolutely live by my color-coded Google Calendar. It holds all of the to-dos, meetings, vacations, and lunch plans. Without it, my day would not have any direction! Along with Google Calendar, I also am a huge fan of Google Drive. I never have to worry about if my files and papers have been saved. With the click of one small button, all of my documents are safely sorted and stored. Finally, I thoroughly enjoy Google Keep! It is such a unique way for me to keep track of to-do lists and future plans. I like to think of it as a digital sticky not collaboration board!


One cool fact that I learned from my peer's presentation is the Google is a relatively new technological advancement. Google debuted in 1998, making it only twenty-five years old. Along with this, it was interesting to see all of the different realms of Google that have been created over these twenty-five years. With each new app that Google has produced, the specifications and targeted audience have become more and more specialized. As Google has developed, and is continuing to develop, I appreciate their ability to make the Google experience uniquely personalized to each individual. There is no Google calendar, or Google sheet, or Google slide that is similar to anyone else’s. As the consumers, we are able to create this app into what we need and desire it to be. 

Overall, though I thought I had a good understand on who Google was and where they came from, I really did not! I learned a lot throughout this presentation and was able to reflect on how Google has truly changed the technology game. Thanks a million, Google!

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